CHRONOSOINS® PROFESSIONALS KLYTIA - the methodology of beauty care based on Chronobiology
KLYTIA has developed an original and innovative concept of CHRONOSOINS® for professionals (beauty salons and spas). This concept will plunge you into the world of a great brand with time-tested beauty techniques.
KLYTIA is the "oldest and most modern beauty house KLYTIA is a new concept in which we have combined "classic" beauty care techniques with a modern scientific concept inspired by Chronobiology.
We have developed an original and innovative concept of CHRONOSOINS® for professionals. This concept will plunge you into the world of a great brand with time-tested aesthetic techniques.
The innovation of KLYTIA's chronobiological concept is that the treatments are selected taking into account the biological rhythms of the skin. In cosmetics, the biological rhythms predetermine the sensitivity of the skin to the action of chemical and physical factors, i.e. cosmetic ingredients and product textures.
The principle is very simple: it is based on a simple rule, give the skin what it is capable of accepting at a given moment of the treatment. Skin contact with well-chosen ingredients and textures has a beneficial effect and inhibits the aging process.
KLYTIA - the first Beauty Institute in the world
In 1895 at the Hotel de Nocé (located at 26 Place Vendôme in Paris) the French entrepreneur Madame Valentin Le Brun created KLYTIA, the first French cosmetic brand in the world and the first Beauty Institute in the world.
This name will become a generic and will be used to define institutions dedicated to beauty care around the world.
The temporary approach to beauty care: the 3 KLYTIA treatment phases
The KLYTIA treatment card for beauty salons and spas is composed of 3 types of treatment protocols of different durations: CLIP - ZEN - SOURCE. Each treatment is personalized and takes into account the needs of your client's skin at the precise moment of the treatment.
By following our curriculum, you will be able to master the innovative techniques of KLYTIA Chronosoins and enrich your experience. Discover the programs of our different aesthetic trainings:
KLYTIA I.B. offers to all its partners institutes and spas training dedicated to the use and sale of the brand's products.
These specific trainings will allow you to know the history of the brand and to transmit our expertise, the values of KLYTIA and your knowledge to your customers.
The technical part of the training includes the learning of KLYTIA's "signature" care protocols: Chronosoins® and Mesoeffect (with or without aesthetic microneedling).
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