CHRONOSOINS® Professionals | KLYTIA Institut de Beaute Skip to main content

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CHRONOSOINS® Professionals

Les CHRONOSOINS® transforms time into a beauty partner

Our brand innovates with Les CHRONOSOINS® and introduces chrono-cosmetics to your beauty salon. KLYTIA I.B. adds a new dimension to your classic treatments, the time dimension.

Specially developed for beauticians, the CHRONOSOINS® encourage theassimilation of active ingredients at a precise moment of the treatment.

The knowledge of the biological rhythms of the body or chronobiologyallows for an even more personalized approach, in order to obtain better results.

The KLYTIA treatment protocols

The treatment protocols are grouped into 3 programs:

klytia institut de beauté clip



Clip - Zen - Source

KLYTIA has created the 3 unique care programs to meet the needs of the skin at the precise moment of care.

I. CHRONOSOINS® CLIP - (25-30 min)

Descriptionmorning, wake up, boost, revitalize, moisturize

ProblemsOily and sensitive skin, dry dehydrated skin, mature skin, atonic skin

Techniques of CHRONONSOINS®Care in contact with the skin with the skin to "wake it up"; stimulating modelling, lympho-drenching

II. CHRONOSOINS® ZEN - (40-50 min)

DescriptionRelaxation of the skin in the evening, complementary, repairing, anti-ageing care, maintenance of the effects of CHRONOSOINS® SOURCES.

Problems : sluggish skin, dry or dehydrated skin, wrinkles, fine lines.

CHRONOSOINS techniques®: care that allows time for deep relaxation and rejuvenation


Description: Cure treatment for the effects of seasonal changes (lifestyle, physiological)

Problems: wrinkles and expression lines, dark spots, lack of tone, dilated pores

CHRONONSOINS techniques®: KLYTIA signature modelling taking into account the somato-emotional state of the client or the care-innovation Mesoeffect.